Message & Task Automation

Message & Task Automationautomation graphic

We are delighted to finally launch this new exciting feature, allowing clubs to send messages to prospects, guests & members automatically based on a series of triggers and rules that you define.

For example, imagine you’d like to send a follow up email to guests who’ve recently attended a club event.

You can create an automated email that thanks them for coming along and perhaps invite them to join your club on a permanent basis. It would be really time consuming to manually create and send an email to every guest; so instead you set up an automated thank you email that gets sent a day (or whichever timeframes you choose) after the guest has fished your waters.

That’s the beauty of email automation: you set up the email once and when members or guests meet the rules that you define, the email will send without any additional effort on your part.

Keeping your member base engaged has never been so easy!

So what does it do?

This new feature can allows you to automatically send a message or create a task based on specific member activities.

We’re starting with six specific triggers but are planning to add more:

The Triggers

  • Membership plan starts
  • Member joins as a prospect (and doesn’t go ahead and join)
  • Payment is overdue
  • Booking date
  • Activity attendance (club event, day ticket, work party etc.)
  • Last member visit (only applicable for clubs with access control)

You can then combine these triggers with specific rules such as send a message ‘X’ amount of days after the activity has triggered.

Or create a task for a volunteer ‘x’ hours after the activity has been triggered.

You can further define the triggers based on membership or activity type. Eg, only send a message to members who hold a Senior Membership, or send one specific message to Day Ticket holders and another to Night Ticket holders.

Common use cases

You have the option of crafting and sending whichever templates you like, however we’ve outlined some of the common use cases that clubs have asked for.

But there are plenty of permutations available which should suit your specific club needs. And if you can’t find what you’re looking for, let us know and we’ll see if we can make it happen.

Guest ticket follow ups

Guest buys day ticket

Failed payment follow up

Failed payment

Prospect follow up

Prospect reminder

Member survey

member feedback

*club would need to provide survey link

Membership renewals

member renewal

Work parties

work party thank you

Refer a friend

refer a friend


If you’d like to learn more about implementing our message automation tool at your club, then get in touch in the usual way: / 0333 987 4677

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