How to Use Clubmate to Convert Prospects in to Full Paying Members

Whilst Clubmate is a great tool for saving time on member admin, it can also be used to great effect when converting potential members (prospects) in to full members.

Capture the impulse

As with all online shopping, people are curious in nature and like to see what they will get before they buy. This is no different when it comes to Fishing Club memberships. A potential member will speak with friends, check out your social media and your website too (if you have one!).

Once they’ve gathered enough information and have decided that your club is the one for them, they will then click on that magic button that says ‘Join Now’. It’s at this point that their interest is at its absolute maximum so it’s really important to be able to capture their impulse. If you only offer the ability to download a form and send it in the post, there’s a high chance that that potential member will ‘come back to this later’. Which we all know means it will probably never happen!

With Clubmate, when they click ‘ Join Now’ they will be seamlessly redirected to your clubs dedicated member portal, keeping their enthusiasm to alive.

Making it easy to join

Any potential member that registers their account with you should be considered a ‘Hot Prospect’. They have trusted your organisation with their name and email address which means they are genuinely interested in becoming a member. For most, they will go ahead and select the membership plan that is right for them, add their personal details and pay. Great – you’ve just acquired a new member.

But what about those that fall out of the process? Perhaps their internet went down, they became distracted or have decided to wait until payday. You already know they are hot prospects, that they want to join but how do you revive that interest?

This is where Clubmate can really help.

Recover lost sales

When a potential member registers their account but doesn’t proceed with buying a membership, it’s really important that the club reacts as quickly as possible to capitalise on the initial enthusiasm.

This is why Clubmate instantly recognises & categorises them as a Prospect, triggering a chain of pro-active events to help you keep them interested:

  • A Task will be created in your Clubmate Dashboard, highlighting the Prospect to all admin users, prompting someone to follow up with them.

  • An email is instantly sent to admin users, notifying them about the new prospect and providing contact details and a link directly to the prospects profile (you can configure whether you receive these notifications via Settings > Club Info).

  • The prospect is also added to your Hot Prospect report. Making it easy to locate them and re-engage.


It’s all about Conversion

Clubmate has armed you with the knowledge that you have a Hot Prospect on your hands, it’s also prompted you to follow up but now what?

It’s time to convert!

One of the most effective methods of conversation is to re-engage with the prospect via email. This allows you to share some further information about your club and provide a more intimate insight to what it’s actually like being a member.

It is also a great opportunity to open up a two-way dialogue with the prospect, answering any outstanding questions they have. And to help make it easy for them, you can insert a link for them to click so they can complete their registration straight away. Easy!

There are three methods to sending messages to prospects:

Individual – Manual

To send a message to a prospect manually, you need to visit their member profile first. You can do this by clicking on the link in your notification email, by clicking on their name in the Task or by searching for them in the members grid. Once you are in their profile, click on + Send Message.

Then check the Send email box, add your Subject line and add whichever text you’d like to include.

*Remember to add your clubs Clubmate URL so that it’s easy for them to pick up where they left off.

Group – Manual

If you’re pushed for time or you’d like to hit all of your prospects with the same message at the same time, you can do this via Group messaging.

Rather than going to the prospects profile, you can send a group message direct from the Members grid. You’ll need to select Prospects from the Membership dropdown and then click Refresh.

Then click on Selected Member Options in the top right.

And then exactly the same process as above. Check the Send email box, add your Subject line and add whichever text you’d like to include.

Individual – Automated

With the Clubmate ‘Message Automation’ tool, Clubmate can automatically send your follow up messages without you having to do a thing!

You’ll need to craft your message to begin with, define the rules for when it needs to be sent and thats it. Your prospects will automatically receive a personalised message helping them convert in to a full paying member.


By utilising this simple messaging tool, we’re seeing clubs significantly improve their member sign up rates. And if you’re an existing customer and not following up with your Hot Prospects, there’s some easy wins for you here.

If you’re not a Clubmate customer and would like to find out how other Fishing Clubs are growing their membership by >21%, then get in touch by leaving your details here or give us a call 0333 987 4677.

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